Oil&Gas Mittwoch, 30. März 2016 - Freitag, 1. April 2016

CIPPE 2016

Beijing, China

China International Petroleum & Petrolchemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE) is a regular gathering in petroleum and petrolchemical industry. With a magnificent exhibition space, will attract 2.000 exhibitors form all over the world. CIPPE will be held from 29th to 31st March in Beijing, China.

Okt 22
Okt 25
Industrie Euroblech
Hannover, Germany
Okt 25
Okt 27
Landwirtschaft Parts & Service World
Kassel, Germany
Okt 26
Okt 28
Landwirtschaft CIAME
WuHan, China
Nov 6
Nov 10
Landwirtschaft EIMA
Bologna, Italy
Alle Neuigkeiten und die Ereignisse >