21 de dezembro de 2020

Our First Virtual Exhibition

Our First Virtual Exhibition

From Monday December 14 until Thursday December 17 we hosted our first ever Virtual Exhibition.

Given this year situation, we didn’t have many opportunities to take part in real events and exhibitions. To obviate this lack of “real life” contact, we thought about a digital solution: we came up with a virtual showroom entirely dedicated to Faster.

For this first time, we decided to devote this event to our Construction Equipment segment, putting on display products like FHV, 5 Lines Block and the Flex Cart.

The event was a success and our customers were more than enthusiastic about the whole experience.

In 2021 we plan to expand this virtual space, opening 3 new sections about the agriculture segment, the industrial one and a section dedicated to our company’s history. Stay tuned!

ago 22
ago 24
Industrial InterFoundry
Coimbatore, India
out 22
out 25
Industrial Euroblech
Hannover, Germany
out 26
out 28
Agricultura CIAME
WuHan, China
nov 6
nov 10
Agricultura EIMA
Bologna, Italy
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